Friday, February 13, 2009

Class Schedule for Spring Semester 2009

Although it has been cold outside we've been staying warm at Aggie Blue Bikes by wrenching, planning, and trying to deliver to you the most kick A semester of classes that are FREE. It is our goal at ABB to bring you quality classes, opportunities for learning, and a chance to meet other cyclists in the community. If you are a roadie, mountain biker, commuter, or a trials rider we've got plenty of chance for you to meet more of your kind.
With our first Ladies Night being a success we will be hosting it once a month so all th ladies have some time in the shop with out the guys. But guys, don't freak out, there will be plenty of times for you to meet the lovely ladies of cycling.
Without further ado, here is the Spring schedule. Note that all classes start at 7 pm and are hands on, so bring your bike with you.

February 26- Break and Derailers class. Learn how to adjust the most esential parts of your ride. and do it to your own bike in the process.

March 5- Bike Social. This is a chance cyclists (male and female) to meet each other, talk about trails, eat a little food, hang out, watch some cycling films, get tips for trails to ride during spring break, and enjoy the company of people who like bikes.

March 19- Ladies Night. Back by popular demand, ladies night is a women only class that give the ladies a chance to get away from the men for a night and learn more about their bikes.

April 2- Bike Movie Night- What a better way to celebrate the spring and gear up for riding than to watch a movie about biking? All you have to do is come and enjoy the sweet cinimatic elements of Breaking Away, one of the greatest cycling movies ever.

April 9- Ladies Night- You know what it's about so come on in to the shop.

April 23- Spring Cleaning class- Your bike has been in the snow all winter, in a garage, or maybe you just scored a sweet ride from and it needs some fixing. Whatever the case is it is time to get that bike in shape so you can pedal your bumbum around Logan. Bring your bike in and learn what needs to be done to over haul that two wheeled machine into a firey biking beaut.

May 16-Cache Valley Bike Festival. It's big, it's awesome, it's the woodstock of bikes and it will change your life. Hosted in down town historic Logan's Merlin Olsen Park, the Cache Valley Bike Festival is all about bike culture, music, and food. Learn about trails in Logan, biking of all kinds, and bike safety. If you have the racing bug in you come and join in on our drag races and slow races. 9-3 pm.

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