Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cache Valley Bike Riders: Your Input is Needed! Read Bellow For Details...

Logan Mayor Randy Watts announced during bike to work week that this summer (2009) the street department would not be doing any chip-sealing. Instead, they would work on repair of pavement defects, especially those that are hazardous to local cyclists. So, I am accumulating suggested hazards in need of repairs. The Public Works Director told me that if we cyclists came up with a "top 50" list, he could probably get them all taken care of. I'm sure that the first priority would be the newly designated linkage routes between downtown and campus, but other hazards, whether they are on designated routes or not could be included.

If you have a favorite pavement defect in Logan that you'd like to see fixed, please send the location and description to me at Bob.Bayn@usu.eduBob.Bayn@usu.edu> and I'll add it to the list I'm building at
You can spread the word to other cyclists. I'll include favorites from anybody on a bike.

Sorry, this offer doesn't apply outside of Logan City Limits. But you can always call the other towns or county to report any pavement hazards in their jurisdiction. Be sure to tell them that Logan is fixing a bunch. ;-)

Eventually I hope and expect to have something more structured and automated online to collect this sort of information, but this will do for now to be sure that we get attention this summer to the pavement defects that are most important to the bicyclists already leading the way to more sustainable transportation in Logan and Cache Valley.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It is bike month in Cache Valley!

With spring semester over and check outs already starting for our summer bikes things have been crazy here at blue bikes but still as fun as ever, especially since bike month is here!
So whats the deal with bike month? Easy, we are encouraging people to take the month of May and start riding their bikes everywhere they go. Not just to exercise but to ride bikes to work, the store, picking up groceries, and picnics too. We want more people to ride bikes and to see how great it is when you ride a bike. To ease everyone into bike riding we have set up a series of events all through May so everyone has a chance to experience bikes in a whole new way.

Our first bike activity is over, the bike band Shake Your Peace came and played Monday at USU and Tuesday at Logan high as part of their Utopia tour. They shook our peaces and we were happy to be apart of such a great thing. If you are interested in their music check out their website by clicking here

Our next activity is the Cache Valley Bike Festival on May 16 at Merlin Olsen Park from 9-2pm. This is a great opportunity for everyone to learn about biking in every form and listen to great live music. In addition to the educational classes we will also have friendly bike competitions and a HUGE raffle for all kinds of gear, gift certificates and a commuter bike. There will also be an opportunity for boy scouts to work on their cycling merit badge.

May 22-23 is the bike tour to Maple Grove hot springs. The tour is 50 miles each way and is a scenic ride through northern Utah. The cost is $25 and includes the soaking fee for the hot springs and three meals. A SAG wagon will be provided so that bikers don't have to carry their gear and will have a place to refill on water and sustenance. There are only 10 spots available so come in soon!

May 29 is bike movie night at the shop at 7:30. Come and watch the cycling classic Breaking Away. Bring friends and family.

If you have any questions about any of the events call us at 435-797-0964 ext.3

See ya on the road!