Thursday, November 5, 2009

A website with a personal touch

We all live busy lives but the internet makes it easy for us to stay on top of what is going on around us. But when a website isn't user friendly, it doesn't make anything easier for anyone, and we know that at Aggie Blue Bikes. Thats why we have revamped our website to be as hassle free as our bike check outs and one-on-one tutorials are.
Our new website is so easy to use you might just want to ditch facebook for the day and explore our educational videos page or see what Aggie Blue Bikes is up to by taking a look at our events page. If you are unsure about what we offer to students, check out our student page and get the low down.
With recent changes to Aggie Blue Bikes, such as community memberships, we are adding pages so don't get up in arms if some of the pages aren't as navigatable as others, content is coming soon!
Take a look around at the site and stay hip on what is happening at Blue Bikes. You can still come into the shop and ask us what is going on, we like that a lot too.

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